The only constant is change.
Without change, there can be no eternity.
Without evolution, the human race has no future.
You don’t believe.
You don’t believe the prophecy.
You know it.
You believe in the curse because you know it is true, you know it must be true, for the prophecy commands it so.
It is logical.
A curse will bring trouble. Strife. Death.
Death will kill the weak. Death will kill those who cannot adapt. Death will kill those who are not strong enough.
Death will bring out those who are strong enough. Death will bring out those who can adapt.
Death will bring evolution.
Death will bring utopia.
Death will bring eternity.
Death is just what the doctor ordered. And a curse shall bring death.
If only casting curses were easy. If only it were allowed. If only it were not fought–not by others, not by the Thirteen Phoenixes, not by magic itself.
Not by prophecy.
The prophecy demands to be fulfilled–fulfilled in full, not just the parts you want.
The prophecy demands to be fulfilled–for without it, the curse shall never be cast.
The prophecy demands to be fulfilled–for it’s magic is standing in your way.
You know.
You tried.
You all tried.
You all tried a dozen times.
The curse doesn’t stick. It doesn’t hold. Nothing happens.
It never will.
Not until you satisfy the prophecy.
Eternity cannot be reached. The Thirteen Phoenix Guards cannot be stopped. Life that has not yet lived, which has not yet evolved, will not come to be. Life will not return to balance. Evolution shall be frozen.
Eternity shall not pass until the prophecy has been fulfilled.
The prophecy demands.
You are but a servant.
The son’s death, eternal will it lie,
Never a life had he lived.
Thirteen phoenixes will fall,
Before life everlived be seen.
Cursed by thirteen, yet she lives blind,
The One must lead her home.