You won­der if you could float in the clouds and throw light­ning bolts ca­reen­ing down at un­sus­pect­ing vic­tims be­low.

Per­haps you could. You can do a lot of things.

You can al­most feel the elec­tric­ity at your fin­ger­tips.

But you bet­ter not.

Whether or not you ac­tu­ally are a nice per­son, you’d like to be. You do not think nice peo­ple typ­i­cally smite oth­ers with light­ning bolts while hov­er­ing in the mid­dle of the sky.

Also, some peo­ple might get con­fused and think you were Zeus.

You’re not.

Zeus is big, mus­cly, and male–or should be. You’re tiny, scrawny, and fe­male.

Float­ing might be nice, though.

You con­sider try­ing it out, but de­cide against it. Most of the peo­ple around you seem like they’d be a bit out of sorts if you de­cided to float around. You don’t think they could han­dle it.

It’s too bad.

Float­ing would be re­ally cool.