The fog be­hind your eyes does not suf­fice

To hide the se­cret which I hold so dear.

I can­not let you speak a word aloud

Or even whis­per in your mind’s own ear.

The only se­crets that were ever kept

were those se­crets that were never made.

Con­ceal this part of you away un­til

Never-day comes to wish it all away.

I pray for you that this shall all pass by,

All gone for­ever in some flame di­vine.

Where­fore can you not pray for it to die,

To go away so you can still be mine?

I can­not keep you like you think you are,

I can­not let you go and keep my heart,

This way you feel must be a lie, a trick,

For if you leave I know I’ll fall apart.

I can­not be who you still think I am,

I never was who you thought I should be.

I can­not lie to my­self any­more,

I can­not keep the se­cret you make me.

My­self from my­self this fog can­not hide;

This will never pass me by as you wish,

This is not some fleet­ing fancy or whim.

Let not me hide from it’s fast whirling winds.