You re­ally don’t have the time.

So many things to do…

You should be asleep.

You should sleep, do work, do some other work, and then go some­where, and do more work. You are booked solid through next week, and you should at least be do­ing some of that.

But you aren’t.

You’re star­ing at a screen as you type away, cre­at­ing some­thing which you doubt will have much of any sort of sig­nif­i­cant im­pact on any good num­ber of peo­ple at all.

You are, some­times a ge­nius.

The stacks upon stacks of pa­per are piled high around your of­fice, each lit­tle pieces of ev­i­dence you still should ex­am­ine, but you won’t.

The hun­dreds of tabs open in your web browser–each you need to look at, but none you will.

The un­read email–and the dozens of mes­sages left pur­pose­fully “un­read” so you’ll get back to them later–still not read, and still not got­ten back to.

They’re all be­hind a slew of other things.

Such as sleep.

And, in the end, be­hind you, sit­ting be­hind your screen, craft­ing your cre­ation.

You are de­ter­mined to cre­ate.

But you don’t have the time.

So you cre­ate a cre­ation about not hav­ing the time.

You are not sure if you ac­tu­ally are a ge­nius–or if you’ve merely reached ge­nius lev­els of id­iocy…

But, some­times, you feel like one.