You really don’t have the time.
So many things to do…
You should be asleep.
You should sleep, do work, do some other work, and then go somewhere, and do more work. You are booked solid through next week, and you should at least be doing some of that.
But you aren’t.
You’re staring at a screen as you type away, creating something which you doubt will have much of any sort of significant impact on any good number of people at all.
You are, sometimes a genius.
The stacks upon stacks of paper are piled high around your office, each little pieces of evidence you still should examine, but you won’t.
The hundreds of tabs open in your web browser–each you need to look at, but none you will.
The unread email–and the dozens of messages left purposefully “unread” so you’ll get back to them later–still not read, and still not gotten back to.
They’re all behind a slew of other things.
Such as sleep.
And, in the end, behind you, sitting behind your screen, crafting your creation.
You are determined to create.
But you don’t have the time.
So you create a creation about not having the time.
You are not sure if you actually are a genius–or if you’ve merely reached genius levels of idiocy…
But, sometimes, you feel like one.