I’m not a “him.” I’ve never been a “him.” I’m not a “him” now, and I wasn’t a “him” when I was born.
The doctors thought I was a “him,” but doctors have thought many things throughout history. There was a time when doctors thought that the body was made of four “humors”: black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood. Their entire belief system was wrong; it was a pretty major revelation.
That I’m a “her” rather than a “him” seems rather a minor revelation in contrast. But no! It’s so Earth-shattering that everyone gets in an uproar, from doctors to parents to government: oh no! All those papers we filled out with your sex. Oh no! All of the blue things we gave you as a baby! Oh no! What happened to our first born son! Oh no! Bathrooms! Oh no!
I blame penis. Everyone thinks about penis too much. You notice how much penis there is around around? Look at any tall building. Even not so tall ones, I suppose—let’s not judge.
Half the population has penis. The other half is unlucky. Why? Because we love us some penis.
If you don’t have it, there must be something wrong with you. Want to be president? Do you have penis? No? Not happening. Want to be a CEO of a large company? We’d really like it if you had penis. Don’t have penis? Well, you should find someone else’s penis and take care of it. It’s your job.
If you don’t want penis? Well of course, that’s ridiculous. Who in the world would refuse penis? If you don’t have penis, you have to want it! Why, you’re positively asking for it! Everything you do, how you dress, how you talk, all of it, it’s clear to all that you just want penis! Doesn’t matter if you are 10 or 50. And if you do have penis… why, of course, you must love it. It is your pride and joy. Anything else would be ridiculous.
So when our babies are born, of course we go “It’s a penis!” It’s definitely something to be celebrated: it’s a real person!
It’s kind of rude, though. I mean, what if a baby wanted to keep their private parts, well, private? Too bad. It’s a penis!
I’m a “her.” I’ve always been one. Still am. I’ve been this way from the day I was born. Penis be damned.