Beau­ti­ful and ter­ri­ble alike,

The world which you break apart,

Un­til you are ready,

To cre­ate a new world.

To cre­ate us.

It seems su­per­hu­man:

How do you take these parts

and make us whole?

You can’t be hu­man,

You’re Mom.

But what do hu­mans do?

They take bits and pieces,

They cre­ate wholes.

Be­ing Mom is be­ing Hu­man.

But be­ing You is be­ing Great.

Al­though we can of­ten for­get,

You are not just Mom,

You are a per­son.

Not mine.

Not my broth­er’s.

Not my sis­ter’s.

Not my fa­ther’s.

Not my nephew’s.


Every­one has a birth­day,

You gave us ours,

and so much more.

And to­day I think…

I can do so many things,

For you taught me,

How­ever much I fought it.

I can cre­ate amaz­ing things,

For you en­cour­aged me,

How­ever of­ten I failed.

I can weather my tri­als,

For your sup­port pro­tects me

How­ever far away you may be.

And to­day I think…

You de­serve more than a birth­day.

You de­serve

A day for you

To know

What you mean

To me.

A day for you

To know

You are loved.

I love you Mom.

Your daugh­ter,
