
You al­ways were im­pa­tient.

But now, you must bide your time.

You know he will not be able to hear you over the din of his own thoughts.

He hurt you, and badly, but you can­not say a word.

You say no words.

Not to him.

You pre­fer not to think of him. You…


I’m not a “him.” I’ve never been a “him.” I’m not a “him” now, and I was­n’t a “him” when I was born.

The doc­tors thought I was a “him,” but doc­tors have thought many things through­out his­tory. There was a time when doc­tors thought that the body was made…


The cold comes every win­ter, and every win­ter he goes out to meet it. He knows it will hurt him, but he can­not stay back. Does he like to freeze?

He could re­main in his house. It is a nice house. More of a cot­tage, re­ally, but at least it is warm, with…


“I’m go­ing to take over the world,” she says, look­ing up at you from her spot cud­dled into your side.

“I know.” You take a sip of your wine. You’re not sure pre­cisely what she wants with the world, but to each their own.

“It just an­noys me too much,”…


She stands, her foot tap­ping against the hard­wood floor to the ry­thym of some pop song long since dé­modé.

He kicks out at her and she falls silent for a mo­ment, but she can­not hold still for long.

Tap tap ta-ta-ta-tap tap…

He coughs out a long, be­lea­guered…


I see the “Men” sign on the door, and I cringe. Then, I sit on the toi­let. If I look down, I’ll cringe again.

In a way, the bath­room cap­tures the es­sense of my ex­pe­ri­ence be­ing a trans woman: I don’t fit with my group, and my body is wrong.

Last week,…


Beau­ti­ful and ter­ri­ble alike,

The world which you break apart,

Un­til you are ready,

To cre­ate a new world.

To cre­ate us.

It seems su­per­hu­man:

How do you take these parts

and make us whole?

You can’t be hu­man,

You’re Mom.

But what do hu­mans do?


Read­ing the re­ac­tions to the re­cent events at Py­Con, one might think that the biggest prob­lem fac­ing the in­dus­try is the re­ac­tions—or, rather, the over­re­ac­tions—to sex­ism.

Some­one was fired—fired!—for mak­ing a dirty joke!

And, to read the…


It was just a joke. Noth­ing worth get­ting so up­set over.

It’s not like you hear dozens of jokes like it every day. Not like those jokes are aimed at you. Not like they’re aimed at the group you are a part of. Not like they’re aimed at a group that bears…


For the longest time, I’ve left the gen­der field blank. I could not stand to put in a lie, but I could not yet be open with the truth.

I no longer have to hide.

My gen­der iden­tity is fe­male.

It is a bit of a has­sle. Well, quite a lot of a has­sle. You…