
“Wat­son’s Fury” is a short screen­play adap­ta­tion of the Sher­lock Holmes short story “The Fi­nal Prob­lem.”

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He gazed at the blue dot. It was so close, and yet, so out-of-reach.

But he knew. He al­ways knew.

He wanted to go there.

Carl Pe­ters gazed up into the dark sky from which the vis­i­tors came, and to which they left again.

It filled him with won­der: the…


At birth, and usu­ally even be­fore that, we take a peek at our ba­bies’ gen­i­tals.

“Is there a hole, or is there a pole?” we ask, be­fore loudly ex­claim­ing

for the world to hear: “It’s a boy!” or else, “It’s a girl!” and cer­tainly

never any­thing else.…


“The Sto­ry­teller,” a short story about an sto­ry­teller who has stopped telling sto­ries, and a young writer who wants to un­der­stand why.

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Part one of the SANTA Triptych.

The snow crunches be­neath your boots. It glit­ters as it waves through the yel­low lights of the street­lamps.

You glance left. Right. You try to catch your breath.

Peek around the cor­ner—

You jerk your head back. Your heart…


This is the sixth and fi­nal part of Su­pervil­lain Lover, my screen­play about a young woman who once loved a su­per­hero, but is now forced to be­come the hero her­self, when all she wants is to fly away.

You can read the WHOLE THING, all 127 pages, as a…


This is part five—the sec­ond to last!—of Su­pervil­lain Lover, my screen­play about a young woman who once loved a su­per­hero, but is now forced to be­come the hero her­self, when all she wants is to fly away.

See also: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4…


This is part four of Su­pervil­lain Lover, my screen­play about a young woman who once loved a su­per­hero, but is now forced to be­come the hero her­self, when all she wants is to fly away.

See also: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3

You can view it as PDF, or read…


This is part three of Su­pervil­lain Lover, my screen­play about a young woman who once loved a su­per­hero, but is now forced to be­come the hero her­self, when all she wants is to fly away.

See also: Supervillain Lover: Part 1 and Su­pervil­lain Lover: Part…


This is part two of Su­pervil­lain Lover, my screen­play about a young woman who once loved a su­per­hero, but is now forced to be­come the hero her­self, when all she wants is to fly away.

See also: Supervillain Lover: Part 1

You can view it as PDF, or read…