“Watson’s Fury” is a short screenplay adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes short story “The Final Problem.”
“Watson’s Fury” is a short screenplay adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes short story “The Final Problem.”
He gazed at the blue dot. It was so close, and yet, so out-of-reach.
But he knew. He always knew.
He wanted to go there.
Carl Peters gazed up into the dark sky from which the visitors came, and to which they left again.
It filled him with wonder: the…
At birth, and usually even before that, we take a peek at our babies’ genitals.
“Is there a hole, or is there a pole?” we ask, before loudly exclaiming
for the world to hear: “It’s a boy!” or else, “It’s a girl!” and certainly
never anything else.…
“The Storyteller,” a short story about an storyteller who has stopped telling stories, and a young writer who wants to understand why.
Part one of the SANTA Triptych.
The snow crunches beneath your boots. It glitters as it waves through the yellow lights of the streetlamps.
You glance left. Right. You try to catch your breath.
Peek around the corner—
You jerk your head back. Your heart…
This is the sixth and final part of Supervillain Lover, my screenplay about a young woman who once loved a superhero, but is now forced to become the hero herself, when all she wants is to fly away.
You can read the WHOLE THING, all 127 pages, as a…
This is part five—the second to last!—of Supervillain Lover, my screenplay about a young woman who once loved a superhero, but is now forced to become the hero herself, when all she wants is to fly away.
This is part four of Supervillain Lover, my screenplay about a young woman who once loved a superhero, but is now forced to become the hero herself, when all she wants is to fly away.
See also: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
You can view it as PDF, or read…
This is part three of Supervillain Lover, my screenplay about a young woman who once loved a superhero, but is now forced to become the hero herself, when all she wants is to fly away.
See also: Supervillain Lover: Part 1 and Supervillain Lover: Part…
This is part two of Supervillain Lover, my screenplay about a young woman who once loved a superhero, but is now forced to become the hero herself, when all she wants is to fly away.
See also: Supervillain Lover: Part 1
You can view it as PDF, or read…