
The De­tec­tive re­minds you of your son.

You don’t know why.

She does­n’t talk the same. She does­n’t even act the same. She al­ways seems to be off in her own world.

Per­haps its her eyes. But how could you tell? She wears no glasses, but your son…

She claims…


You won­der if you could float in the clouds and throw light­ning bolts ca­reen­ing down at un­sus­pect­ing vic­tims be­low.

Per­haps you could. You can do a lot of things.

You can al­most feel the elec­tric­ity at your fin­ger­tips.

But you bet­ter not.



What if you were nor­mal?

What if you were brought up like all the other girls?

You would­n’t be who you are to­day. You would­n’t be The De­tec­tive.

But maybe you’d have a room like hers.

A girly room.

Pink com­forter. White wooden bed. Four bed­posts. Big…


When she says jump, you ask how high.

When she says frown, you ask: “how much?”

Oh, about like this, she says, be­fore grab­bing the cor­ners of your mouth with her hands, and pulling them way, way far­ther down than they were ever meant to go.

You’re sure…


You’ve al­ways had mem­ory prob­lems. Not like her.

You star­tle. Was that—?

You’re sure she must be chas­ing you. You’re sure she must be right on your tail.

The De­tec­tive.

They say she al­ways knows. They say she rarely par­tic­i­pates in a case. They…


They keep bum­bling about the white tile. They think it’s a lead.

You tell them it’s ob­vi­ous. The killer had a sense of aes­thet­ics.

They don’t be­lieve you. Typ­i­cal. No-one be­lieves the boss.

If you were the killer, you’d cer­tainly have a sense of…


You hate talk­ing with fa­thers. You hated talk­ing with your fa­ther. Well, some­times. You can’t re­mem­ber. It’s been years.

You say so.

He makes some com­ment about your age. Is he im­ply­ing some­thing? What­ever.

Per­haps he did­n’t like you telling…


Step for­ward. Step back. For­ward. Back.

What is that? A speck of dirt? No, just an ant. Why is there an ant?

The boy has a cou­ple crumbs on his jeans. Per­haps he was eat­ing.

Did he choke? No— clear signs of vi­o­lence, re­mem­ber? Of course you do, you…